Vision and Principles

The Vision and Principles for the Hornsby Town Centre Review were endorsed by Councillors as part of Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement.

Key Principles

The principles supporting the Vision for the Town Centre make up the FOUR pillars for the Review:

A centre that builds on the mall and expands the type and variety of public spaces that are both accessible and attractive A centre that reflects the Shire through the use of tree canopy, landscape, water, sandstone, storytelling and linkages to Hornsby Park A centre that promotes and exhibits design excellence A centre that is viewed as a whole and integrates the east and west sides seamlessly
A centre that supports a diversity of employment including start-ups, day to day services, businesses and offices, and employment catalysts such as a university or Government hub A centre that exhibits best practice environmental sustainability Development that results in human scale and fine grain Transport infrastructure that supports the vision in terms of well-located bus, train, commuter parking, cycling and pedestrian modes and linkages
A cultural centre through provision of a range of community facilities connected to open spaces Creation of public and private domain that supports an increased tree canopy Development over the rail line at a scale that supports the aspirations of the centre
An active night time economy creating a vibrant and attractive place Identify, reinforce and protect important elements that contribute to the character of the centre A range of housing of high amenity at a variety of densities and scale to deliver greater housing diversity and housing choice, including affordable housing options
A destination in its own right Provide accessible public and private spaces that are easily navigated Identify limits to the centre and designate areas of activation
Ensure built form and spaces have a human scale and that scale transitions are managed to maintain this scale

The Vision

A place for people that reflects the uniqueness of the bushland setting, integrated around key public spaces, where the city meets the bush. An active, thriving centre that exhibits economic diversity, design excellence, liveability and sustainability