Hornsby Town Centre Review2022-07-21T15:08:27+10:00
  • Hornsby town centre aerial photo
  • Hornsby Mall
  • Leo Darby - Hornsby Station at Sunset

Hornsby Town Centre Review

Future Hornsby Town Centre

The Hornsby Town Centre Review (HTC Review) project will provide a strategic framework that can facilitate the revitalisation of the Hornsby Town Centre to make it a more liveable, green and accessible centre for the community.

We want to strengthen the economic, employment and housing capacities of the Centre and enhance its public domain, liveability, accessibility, safety, environmental sustainability and visual appeal through quality design and landscape outcomes.

The changes envisioned for the Hornsby Town Centre are large scale.

Various heights and densities of apartment buildings and employment floorspaces are being considered to be able to provide the bulk of our future housing and employment targets within our major urban and commercial centre.

This reflects a key priority in our Local Strategic Planning Statement to protect the character of our low-density neighbourhoods. Council’s adopted Housing Strategy acknowledges that over 4,000 new units could be accommodated within the Town Centre between now and 2036.

Where are we up to?

Council is carefully working through the draft master planning process and traffic and transport analysis to ensure that the revitalisation framework can be successfully implemented and meets the vision and principles agreed on through the preparation of Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement.

The required traffic and transport analysis associated with the draft masterplan is at the stage of testing development scenarios and modelling the required traffic interventions which is anticipated to be completed by the end of the year.

Further consultation is currently being undertaken with State Government agencies, including Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and Transport for NSW.

Following the local Government elections this year, the new Council will be briefed on the HTC Review and the results of the traffic and transport analysis. Council would then be in a position to endorse the exhibition of the draft concepts to seek community and stakeholder feedback.

Frequently asked questions

What are the next steps?2021-07-28T08:23:01+10:00

Following the local Government elections this year, the new Council will be briefed on the HTC Review and the results of the traffic and transport analysis. Council would then be in a position to endorse the exhibition of the draft concepts to seek community and stakeholder feedback.

To implement any changes to planning controls arising from the HTC Review, a planning proposal would be required to be lodged with the State Government which would also include requirements for public exhibition.

What has been completed?2021-07-23T11:39:49+10:00

Vision and Principles

The Vision and Principles for the Hornsby Town Centre Review were endorsed by Councillors as part of Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement.

Preliminary Engagement and Collaboration

The Hornsby Town Centre Review is being undertaken in close collaboration with the Hornsby community, State agencies, and other stakeholders. In the initial stages, consultation included drop-in sessions, community pop-ups, letters, website engagement and a co-design workshop.

Key messages from the community engagement included:

  • Balance new development with strong local character and retail and public space experience.
  • Provide public spaces and green spaces to reinforce the Shire’s bushland identity.
  • Sustainability should be at the core of the Hornsby Town Centre.
  • Maximise connectivity and public walkability by reconfiguring the way bus movements occur.
  • Recognise and reinforce the role of the Town Centre within Hornsby Shire and Greater Sydney.
  • Additional east-west connections across the Station are crucial to realising a coherent and functional Town Centre.


Technical investigations to inform the Review and to ensure a robust evidence base for Town Centre Vision include:

  • Background Information and Literature Review
  • Identifying Issues and Opportunities
  • Social and Community Infrastructure Needs Analysis
  • Heritage Analysis
  • Landscape and Public Domain Improvements
  • Economic Development and Employment Land Uses
  • Housing and Affordable Housing Analysis
  • Traffic and Transport Analysis
  • Car Parking Analysis
What is the study area for the HTC Review?2021-07-20T15:50:16+10:00

The Hornsby Town Centre study area encompasses both the East and West sides of Hornsby Railway Station. In the east, it includes Westfield Hornsby, Hornsby Mall and the businesses located along George Street up to Bridge Road which forms the northern boundary. In the west, it is bound to the south by Hornsby RSL Club and vacant land in Ashley Street and includes all the businesses on Peats Ferry Road, in William and Dural Streets, up to Bridge Road to the north.


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