Rural Lands Study2022-06-21T09:53:57+10:00

Rural Lands Study

The Rural Lands Study sets the strategic direction for managing rural lands of Hornsby Shire. The Study applies a place-based approach to planning for rural areas in line with State Government requirements set out in the Greater Sydney Commission’s North District Plan.

The final Study documents are available here:

We thank the community for involvement in the public exhibition in late 2020. The feedback received during the public exhibition period is outlined in the Feedback Summary Report.

A staged approach to implementation of recommendations will be undertaken, split into short and long term actions. In summary, new land uses and general recommendations are recommended to proceed in the short term, whilst recommendations involving strategic investigations would be considered for progression in the longer term.

Project updates will be made available on this webpage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Council prepare a Rural Lands Study?2021-07-14T11:11:56+10:00

Council’s current planning framework for the rural areas has been informed by previous studies. Although Council has completed planning control reviews and community surveys in the past, the last comprehensive evidence-based study was completed in 1995. A lot has changed since this time, with new pressures and opportunities emerging.

In 2018, Council commenced a Rural Lands Study to provide a new evidence base and recommendations for managing the rural areas of Hornsby shire into the future. SGS Economics and Planning was engaged by Council to prepare the Study.

The Study is required to align with relevant actions of the State Government’s North District Plan, which includes actions for better managing rural lands.

What has been the timeline for preparation of the Study?2022-06-20T09:56:51+10:00

An outline of the various stages of the project timing and is provided below: 

Stage Date Task
Stage 1 – Existing Situation March – August 2019 Review of background material.
Stage 2 – Draft landscape character August 2019 Draft Landscape Areas Report prepared, which identified landscape areas and a character statement for each area.
Stage 3 – Community feedback Oct – Dec 2019 Community consultation to obtain feedback on the draft landscape areas and character statements. 2019 Feedback summary report published on Council’s website.
Stage 4 – Review Jan-July 2020 Draft Rural Lands Study Background Report prepared.
Stage 5 – Findings and Recommendations Mid 2020 Draft Rural Lands Strategy prepared.
Public Exhibition of draft Rural Lands Study Sep to Dec 2020 Exhibition of the draft Rural Lands Strategy and the draft Rural Lands Study Background report.
Review 2021-2022 Review of submissions and briefing with the new Council.
Council meeting 8 June 2022 Council resolved to finalise the Study with a staged approach to implementation.


How has the community been consulted?2022-06-20T09:58:50+10:00

Preliminary Consultation 2019:

In 2019,  Council undertook an extensive consultation with the community as part of the preliminary stages of the Study. The purpose of the consultation was to obtain feedback on draft landscape and character statements prepared.

The consultation was promoted through letters to all rural land owners, newspaper advertisements, Council’s e-newsletter, facebook page and website. Consultation activities included face to face workshops in Galston and Glenorie, drop in sessions and an online survey.

The feedback received from the community is outlined in the 2019 Feedback Summary Report and was considered by the consultants in progressing with the Study.

Exhibition of draft Rural Lands Study 2020:

The draft Rural Lands Study was exhibited to the community from mid-September until mid-November 2020. The exhibition was promoted through letters to all rural land owners, newspaper advertisements, Council’s e-newsletter, facebook page and website. Feedback was invited via submissions or an online survey.

The feedback received during the public exhibition period is outlined in the Feedback Summary Report.

Where can I find a map of the landscape areas?2021-07-14T12:12:27+10:00

The draft Rural Lands Strategy includes a basic map of each landscape area. A detailed map of the landscape area boundaries is available on Council’s online mapping tool.

What are the recommendations that Council has decided to implement?2022-06-20T10:07:34+10:00

At its meeting on 8 June 2022, Council endorsed implementation of short term recommendations involving new land uses in rural zones and other general recommendations. These recommendations are set out in Implementation Action Plan A – Short Term Recommendations.

Also at this meeting, Council decided to give further consideration to certain recommendations involving strategic investigations at an informal Councillor workshop. This will enable Council to consider priorities, resources and funding to undertake these projects. These recommendations are set in Implementation Action Plan B – Long-Term Recommendations.

Where can I view a recording of the Council meeting and access the Council meeting reports?2022-06-20T10:09:29+10:00

The planning report (PC8/22) and meeting minutes from the 8 June 2022 Council meeting can be viewed from the following link (scroll down to view the Business Paper for 8 June 2022).

A recording of the meeting is available here:

What are the next steps?2022-06-20T10:10:40+10:00

A staged approach to implementation of recommendations will be undertaken, split into short and long term actions.

Short term actions:

Council officers will prepare a Planning Proposal to amend the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 to implement short term actions involving new land uses in rural zones and other general recommendations of the Study.

Once prepared, the Planning Proposal will be reported to Council to seek endorsement to submit to the Department of Planning and Environment for gateway determination. Following the issue of a gateway determination by the Department of Planning and Environment, the Planning Proposal would be publicly exhibited and a report on submissions presented to a Council meeting for consideration. Subject to Council’s endorsement to finalise the Planning Proposal, the Planning Proposal would be submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment for finalisation and implementation into the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013.

Short term actions involving amendments to the Hornsby Development Control Plan 2013 would also be subject to an exhibition period and a report on submissions before Council endorses finalisation.

Long term actions:

Council will consider progression of certain long-term actions involving strategic investigations at an informal Councillor workshop. This will enable Council to give consideration of priorities, resources and funding to undertake the strategic investigations.

Who do I contact if I have questions?2022-06-21T09:54:40+10:00

For enquiries, please contact Hornsby Shire Council’s Strategic Land Use Planning Team on (02) 9847 6726.

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